Softcore porn collides with castration anxieties in the Japanese grindhouse quickie “Horny House of Horror.” Writer-cum-debutant helmer Jun T鬼学校国语sugita (“Mutant Girls Squad” teams here with f/x maestro Yoshino Nishimura to deliver the gory goods, the cathouse setting giving Tsugita ample excuse to undress his cast of porn thesps, including cult fave Asami (“RoboGeisha”, as a prelude to fetishistic violence.
Pals Toshida (Wan含羞草实验室入口网站免费进i Kansai) and Uno (Toushi Yanagi) insist on going to a brothel with their betrothed friend Nakazu (Yuya Ishikawa), who has never paid for sex before. Each guy is matched with 中国版的我们结婚了a nubile prostitute, unaware of the locale’s deranged mission to sexually torture customers. Vagina dentata is the yarn’s main means of attack, but samurai swords and phallic food games provide plenty of ketchup.