搜索"Star" ,找到 128部影视作品
两对年轻情侣来到丛林度假村享受他们的奢华假期,但这场旅行很快变成了一场可怕的噩梦。大学时期的老朋友艾杰(AJ)和 里奇(Ritchie),带着各自的伴侣玛雅(Maya)和贾思敏(Jasmine)一起旅行,试图暂时搁置感情中的矛盾,踏上一场冒险之旅。他们雇了一位大胆的向导尼克(Nick),展开了一次丛林划艇探险。 然而,旅程很快急转直下——里奇在途中离奇失踪。随着他们深入丛林寻找线索,几人意外闯入了一个土著食人族领地。原本的梦想假期瞬间化为了一场惊心动魄的生存挑战。在这片神圣而危险的土地上,他们必须面对无情的威胁,挣扎着寻找生路。
Em A Porta ao Lado, Rafa (Dan Ferreira) e Mari (Letícia Colin) vivem um relacionamento tranquilo e estável, monogâmico, dentro dos moldes mais tradicionais. Juntos há mais de cinco anos, os dois se acostumaram com a rotina e a monotonia da vida de casados, sem muitas aventuras. Mas quando Fred (Túlia Starling) e Isis (Bárbara Paz), um casal que vive um relacionamento aberto, se muda para o apartamento ao lado, Mari acaba sendo levada a questionar seu casamento e considerar outras formas de se relacionar. O encontro entre os dois casais provoca desejos, dúvidas e inseguranças, transformando completamente a vida dos quatro.
汤姆·霍兰德 Tom Holland
吸血鬼狂热爱好者查理•布莱维斯特(William Ragsd梦幻西游播放器下载ale 饰)最大的爱好就是在深夜看恐怖电影。某晚,他隔壁的空房子里来了两个不速之客,根据多年观看恐怖片的经验,查理断定这两个人一定是吸血鬼。然而无论是警察,还是好友女友,没有一个人相信他的说辞。 万般无奈之下,查理只能请来恐怖电视节目“颤栗之夜”的4080新视觉影视大全主持人皮特•文森特(Roddy McDowell 饰)。虽然文森特质疑查理的说法,但看在钱的份上他还是前来调查。面对纠缠不休的查理,吸血鬼杰瑞(Chris Sarandon 饰)该如何对付呢?
Irene Starewicz,拉迪斯洛夫·斯塔维奇
In the kingdom of animals, Master Fox is used to trick and fool e城市猎人韩剧下载veryone. So the King, the Lion, receives more and more complaints about him. He orders that Master Fox is arrested and brough to him... One of the first animation film with puppets. The story is taken from a from a French medieval fable.
Sebastian Barfield,Rachel Jardine
As Hampton Court Palace celebrates its 500th anniversary in 2015, BBC Two brings a key event from the iconic building’s history vividly to life - the christening of Henry’s son and heir Prince Edward,欧盟前高官获刑 the future Edward VI. With so few surviving buildings left associated with events from this period of British history and the reign of Henry VIII, Lucy Worsley and David Starkey offer audiences an unprecedented insight into Henry VIII’s world. Focusing on the events of 15 October 1537, A Night At Hampton Court Palace will recreate the occasion that was a culmination of nearly three decades of Henry’s rule - the birth of a male heir. As Lucy and David eavesdrop across time, they reveal how Henry’s household came together to create an event that would have been perceived as almost magical by those who witnessed it. They will recreate the 90-person grand procession that年轻的保姆5线观高清 would have transported baby Edward to his torch-lit christening service. This was the best recorded occasion staged at Hampton Court during Henry's VIII's reign, and the detailed records allow Lucy and David to show how this great celebration used every part of the palace, from the royal apartments to the kitchens to the Chapel Royal. Offering a unique opportunity to reveal how the many elements of court life would have been brought together, from art to architecture, religion and music, A Night At Hampton Court Palace will capture a pageant that was deeply political but also carefully stage-managed piece of performance art.
Denise Perrin
中国新声代第五季The women who married Henry VIII have become defined not by the way they lived but by the way their lives ended. They are seen as victims of a bloated tyrant, deserving pity, but not respect. However, have we under-estimated them and are historians right to have merely portrayed them as bit-part players in Henry's story? Using dramatic reconstruction and passionate narration, eminent historian and presenter Dr David Starkey focuses on the stories of the women themselves, revealing in intimate detail their experiences of sex, childbirth and the glamorous, dangerous life at court, including the deadly intrigues that dethroned
We take our liberties for granted. They seem absolute and untouchable. But they are the result of a series o流淌的美好时光免费观看f violent struggles fought over 800 years that, at times, have threatened to tear our society apart. On the frontline was a document originally inked on animal skin – Magna Carta. Distinguished constitutional historian David Starkey looks at the origins of the Great Charter in 1215 to check the abuses of King John - and how it nearly died at birth. He explores its subsequent deployment, its contribution to making everyone – even the monarch – subject to the rule of law, and how this quintessentially English document migrated to the North American colonies and eventually became the foundation of the US constitution. Magna Carta has become a universal symbol of individual freedom against the tyranny of the state, but with ever-tightening government control on our lives, is it time to resurrect it?
2001年戛纳电影节影评人周单元最佳影片奖 2001年东京国际电影节最佳导演奖、评审团奖 与我们同根同种的亚洲人拍的这片子里,处处使我觉得亲切熟稔。年轻人憨憨而不知所措的表情、学校长者官腔却不乏真情的训导、暗淡而陈旧的店铺、城市角落里最卑微的人群、缓慢的生活,这一切都像是我们自己在成长路上所经历所看见过的。 他们多诚实,伊朗的贫困与落后历历地显现出来。可我敢说,这片子能打动的绝不止我一个人,也不止我们这些亚洲人。描绘贫穷而非展示贫穷,坦陈伤口而非哀矜伤口,伊朗的导演实在胜过我们某些所谓著名导演太多。
1817年,法国大作家司汤达来到意大利,在佛罗伦萨终日沉醉于文艺复兴时期的大师杰作。一天,他到圣十字教堂参观米开朗基罗、伽利略和马基雅维利的陵墓,刚走出教堂大门,突然感到头脑纷乱,心脏剧烈颤动,每走一步都像要摔倒。医生诊断这是由于频繁欣赏艺术珍品使心理过于激动所至,这种 因强烈的美感而引发的罕见病症从此被称为“司汤达综合症”。 直到今天,佛罗伦萨的医生仍会不时碰到“司汤达综合症”患者,病情严重的甚至要住几天医院。他们多半是狂爱艺术且极具鉴赏力的游客,野心勃勃,要在几天之内扫遍这座文艺复兴中心城市的艺术宝藏,结果却在接踵而来的视觉冲击中不堪重负。但意大利人对“司汤达综合症”有百分之百的免疫力,对他们来说,文艺复兴的辉煌,像空气一样无所不在,从幼年到迟暮,他们的生活里一直流动着达芬奇、米开朗基罗、拉斐尔那个天才时代的气息 电影中的女警官,和当年的司汤达一样,被乌菲齐美术馆美不胜收的藏品折磨得当场昏倒。佛罗伦萨警校肯定不设心理测天堂在线资源www试这一关,否则她无法毕业。而歹徒又怎么知道她有这个毛病?大概是阿金托透露给他的……
宮元宏彰 / 角铜博之 / 志水淳儿
谢尔盖(Valentin Popov 饰)、尼古拉(尼古拉·古边科 Nikolai Gubenko 饰)和斯拉瓦(斯坦尼斯拉夫·柳布申 Stanislav Lyubshin 饰)是从小玩到大的青梅竹马的好友,长大后,他们都选择了当兵报效祖国,在退役之后,三人走2012国语高清在线看免费观看上了他们不同的人生道路。 谢尔盖一直想要进入动力学院念书,但因为父亲在早年间的战争中不幸丧命,母亲和妹妹维拉(斯维特兰娜·斯维特利奇娜娅 Svetlana Svetlichnaya 饰)全部都要靠着他来养活,因此谢尔盖不得不放弃了念书的念头。斯拉瓦早早就步入了婚姻的殿堂,然而婚姻带给他的,却只有痛苦和争吵。尼古拉的性格要比另外两人稍稍幼稚一些,整天大大咧咧笑嘻嘻的他似乎没有什么烦恼。